"I wish I could show you, when you are lonely or in darkness, the astonishing light of your own being"
- Hafiz

We all have had life changing epiphanies, but how often do we take the time out to understand our challenges or finding meaning to signs and synchronicities. A simple statement, “if you want to change the world, change yourself first” was one of the many epiphanies I encountered in my personal ascension. My name is Anupriya Chowdhury (Anu) and I am Holistic life coach. I share my gifts of providing assistance to people who want to discover their true purpose in life, to discover a new version of themselves and help them step into the next level of their lives where they are fully in charge. With the right tools and assistance, you can let go of the old story, unlock the powers of your subconscious mind and basically rewire your neural pathway. All these sessions are highly individualized, because we all have our own unique story and our own unique journey. I work with self concept, mindset change, major transitions in life, personal development, finding your purpose, healing old patterns and wounds also known as the shadow self and my dream is to help you create a life full of love and good health, a life that you don’t need to escape from.

Your wound is probably not your fault,
But your healing is your responsibility.
– Denice Frogman



This coaching was by far the best thing that I have done for myself as it completely changed my outlook towards life.It brought about a sense of calmness and peace within me. Anu was very pleasant and made me feel very comfortable and relaxed all throughout the sessions. The coaching sessions helped me transform into a better and positive man. I have my dream job, a loving partner, and the bond with my family has improved. My mental health is top notch. I gave up smoking too. She is doing a phenomenal job and she should continue touching more lives.
These sessions with Anu have helped me a great deal. I feel like a completely different person and I am in love with this version of myself. Self love is so important and yet the most neglected and misunderstood subject. Anu helped me unlock my limiting beliefs and guided me how to let go of my old self. These sessions actually taught me to fall in love with myself. It brought about a spiritual awakening in me. I have never felt this calm and confident before.
My sessions with Anu influenced various aspects of my life. I feel there is finally someone who can help me articulate my feelings accurately and that makes me feel like I can pass through the different phases of my life. Her sessions and exercises make me feel lighter and plan things well ahead. I would highly recommend these sessions to my friends/colleagues who feel stuck in life and want to discover their powers.


*As a certified coach I am not a licensed health or mental health practitioner and do not take the place of such, thus I cannot provide medical, nutritional, psychological or other services designated for practice by a licensed professional or provide treatment or give professional advice. If you are seeking a diagnosis or treatment for a physical or mental health concern, please seek advice from a licensed clinician or physician. The content of this website is provided for informational purposes only. Nothing contained in this site is or should be considered or used as a substitute for professional medical or mental health advice, diagnosis, or treatment.